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Our Team

At the heart of our organization are all of our team members. We love and appreciate our pastors, elders, deacons, teachers, and volunteers! Hear some of their stories below...


our Pastor

Pastor Rick and his wife Dusty have been serving Marshall County through Celebrate Recovery and Stay Free Ministries for over 20 years. 


His family is a light of hope and has overcome the loss and devastation that addiction so often brings. 


Out of much personal experience, he has cultivated a team dedicated to this ministry and has a vision to continue through the church, family ministries, houses, and programs indefinitely. 


*Pastor Rick's family



Josh Ballew is our Recovery Pastor and has been part of the ministry since it began! He's called to the ministry and has been a huge part of the success we've had with our Recovery nights (dubbed Fired Up Fridays). He has a beautiful family and a heart for teaching and encouraging.



Ben and Josie Skelton lead our youth (ages 13-18) after growing up in church themselves and feeling called to reach and equip teens. The next generation is a major focus and they hope to encourage and expose them to the love of Jesus and truth of God's Word. They are also the proud parents of two!

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Rick Laster

Founding Pastor, Ministry Director

Glenn Webb

Chief Financial Officer

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Office Team

Becca Ledford

Ashley McCain

Josie Skelton

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Malesa Webb
Development Team Director


Chris & Tracy Brown

Georgia natives, Chris (CB) and Tracy were divorced for a season, but now are dubbed the "restored" couple through the grace of God and the work of Pastor Rick. CB was the first men's home graduate several years ago and the two have played a huge part in SFM since before its birth. They're also our resident Dave Ramsey experts!

Glenn & Malesa Webb

Glenn and Malesa (Tiny) are our prayer warriors and worship cohorts. These two have a huge passion for intercession and worship and bring foxhole work ethic to our team. They are our more eccentric couple and blended family dedicated to spreading the love of Jesus. 

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